
Best Gluten Free Pizza

Some days you just need pizza. Pizza and Pepsi ~ Pizza and Wine ~ Pizza and Beer ~. It’s just kinda one of those essentials (especially on nights where you’re short on time and didn’t plan ahead, like most nights at my house!).  

Best Gluten Free Pizza-My Pick: Against the Grain Pesto

In search of the perfect pie, I’ve tried a lot of mediocre pizzas that tend to focus on the naturally gluten free toppings rather than perfect the crust.  I don’t like a ton of sauce so this pesto pizza already had major points in my book, but there is no gluten free pizza crust that I’ve tried that compares to Against the Grain.  In additional to being gluten free, they are completely grain free and don’t include xanthan gum so there is no chewiness that is otherwise common.  The edges are flakey, the bottom is sturdy but not hard and the top is airy, thin, buttery and delicious!

Best Gluten Free Pizza Recipe

  1. Pop it in the oven at 400 for about 2 minutes less than the instructions state…and then watch it.  Wait for the cheese to start to brown and then pull it out.  Once you cook once, you’ll know your time but the crust can crisp up and get hard.
  2. (But, because everything can always get a little better!:), add extras to jazz it up. Some of our favorites are:
    • Extra Mozzarella : To be clear, the pizza already delicious but, come on, who doesn’t need more cheese in their life!
    • Tapatío : my guy puts this on everything and pizza is no exception. If you’re a little *fancier*, lean into some chili flakes instead 🙂
      • I’m also dying to try Against The Grain Cheesy Jalapeno variety but unfortunately it’s not sold in our area.  Let me know if you’ve had it!
    • Pear : Pesto + Pear is a classic combo and it’s delicious on pizza too!
    • Mike’s Hot Honey (for the three cheese) : I know it sounds weird but it’s an oddly delicious combo!

Best Pizza Side

Dip in ranch. Enough said! 

Cooking Gluten Free Pizza

We’ve tried the pizza stones in the past but didn’t notice a huge difference (and who has space for all of these specialist pans!), but do use a high quality flat cookie sheet that helps keep the crust crispy and airy! 
Use convect if you have it (adjust the recipe temp down 15 degrees if so) and cook for a few minutes shy of what the box calls for. Then just keep an eye on the cheese-as it starts to turn brown around the edges, pull it out. The crust will be crispy (but not hard!) on the outside and deliciously soft and fluffy on the inside.

What Kind of Pizza is Gluten-Free?

We’ve tried many of below and some are pretty good including


P.S.-I wrote this article while trying to go no carb-BAD idea!! #CarbCravings