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Best Gluten Free Pancakes

There’s nothing better than Sunday morning pancakes with my family. It was the first thing I made with my daughter as she was learning to cook (p.s. adorable toddler apron here on Etsy) and has been a long-standing tradition in our family, serving as a weekly reminder to slow down and enjoy the little things.


But there’s not much worse than settling in to chow down on something delicious and being disappointed. Specifically for pancakes, I found it’s tough to find a mix that is fluffy but not (ugh!!) spongy!


Best gluten free pancake-my pick: Bob’s Red Mill Pancake Mix


Best Gluten Free Pancake Recipe

Follow the directions on the bag! 🙂 Life’s too short to over-complicate so, like most stuff here, we stick to gluten free products that are pretty great “outta the box.”


But, because everything can always get a little better,  Add a little extra milk. The recipe as-is is a tad cakey and not quite like traditional pancakes so we like to add a little extra milk to get the batter to a pourable consistency. Just eyeball it!


Add extras to jazz it up. Some of our favorites are

  • Madagascar vanilla : just add a dash after the extra milk 
  • Bananas : pour your batter on the skillet and place the banana slices on the uncooked sides. When you flip, they will cook into the top and caramelize (I skip the syrup when we do this since they are already sweet!)
  • Lemon zest : I’m a terrible gardener but we do have a lemon tree that occasionally produces delicious lemons and some fresh zest is a fantastic way to inject some tangy freshness.
  • Fresh blueberries : my favorite way to make it feel like I’m eating a healthy breakfast when it’s basically like cake for breakfast….
  • Chocolate chips : when I just go all-in for desert breakfast #YOLO!


Best Syrup

Of course, pancakes aren’t complete without syrup and our go-to is Costco organic syrup but has anyone tried this one?  It looks A-MAZ-ING!


Cooking Gluten Free Pancakes

When we got my celiac diagnosis, we knew we wanted to get new cookware to avoid cross-contamination. One of the items we picked up was a Lodge cast iron griddle. It’s awesome because it goes across both burners and distributes the heat really well. It’s also a great quality for the price and has served us well for the 3 years we’ve had it. If you don’t purchased a pre-seasoned griddle (I did!), make sure to read up on how to both “season” your new cast iron and clean your cast iron.


Does Gluten Free Pancake Mix Taste Good?

Yes, but like most gluten free variations, you need to find the right fit.  We’ve test many of below and some are pretty good including:

